Thursday, May 2, 2019

Random-ass book rant!

Yep, this is a random-ass book rant. I just feel like chatting about books today. My guy's away working and I'm sitting in the middle of hazardous stacks of romance novels with no one to rant at. So . . .you lucky people will receive my rants and jabber about all my  book opinions and whatever else flies in to my flaky brain. Because if I don't empty my head of all this I might, like, I don't now, exploded into an over-excited pile of nymphy glitter and tiny leprechauns will come a sweep me up and toss me out the window and then what would I do?
Ok, yeah . . . that was kinda weird--but like I said--random-ass book rant.

So I've popped some Def Leppard and Foreigner up on YouTube, and grabbed a bottle of coconut water (it's fucking hot here) and have prepared to smoke up my keyboard with things that don't really matter, but like, you know . . .I have a blog so might as well dump here as anywhere, right? Oh! And by the way--SPOILERS!! 🤪

I would like to say I have found two amazing book boyfriends in the last couple weeks (aren't I a little tart 😝).

The first was Mason from Wild Things by Jennifer Ashley. Holy balls, what a hottie. Now, I will preface with saying that I like my shape-shifters to phase into Leopards and the like . . .I'm usually not a wolf girl. But Mason was so adorable, moody, and sexy I was like "no, no, wolves are ok. I mean, they're loyal, right? Yeah, I can be a wolf girl for one short steamy erotic romance novel."
As soon as Mason hopped on that motorcycle wearing a hoodie to hide his collar (more on this in a moment) and had the wind whipping as he rode to find a physic that you know he was going to get hard for--I was like "that's what I'm talkin' about".
When Mason arrives in New Orleans to find this psychic called Jasmine, he finds something else as well. Her house is, well "alive" for lack of a better term. And when Jasmine's douche-bag ex comes around and threatens to call the cops on Mason (Shifters aren't suppose to leave their state, and Mason is from Texas) Mason goes to chase him, but Jasmine's house eats douche-bag ex. That's right eats him . . .how can you not like a book were a living house eats an asshole ex-boyfriend for dinner? I know I can't stay away from that kind of crazy.

Oh, back to the collar--as promised. Shifters are made to be "tame" by wearing a shock collar that shocks the shit out of them when they become too "aggressive". Sounds shitty to me, and I found this kind of annoying. Isn't that just like the government to do this to people. I was reading and muttering "that's not freedom, people" then I reminded myself this was fiction and Shifters aren't real. But if they were . . . .just sayin'.

I could go on and on about Wild Things, but so this post isn't a mile long, I will now speak of my second book boyfriend. Cam from Flirting with Forever.
Cam is a pediatrician who's hobby is hockey. Cam always knows when to bring donuts to a girl when she's feeling down, and when he's not at work, at the hockey rink, or on a donut run, he uses his spare time to read to sick children who can't sleep. Did anyone's ovaries just explode besides mine?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

I loved being in Cam's mind as he fought with his love (and lust) for his best friend Natalie. He was just too cute for words.
His adorable caring and primal libido had my mind drifting a lot as Cam--in all truth--kinda made me think of my guy. 
I know, I know--ya'll like "That's TMI, Bookish Nymph". Hey, I'm just keepin' it real. But I will refrain from spilling anymore person info (at least on this post).

Well, I guess I'll just wrap up this post before I get myself in the deep shit of the "endless rant" vortex. I will end by saying I suggest these two books highly to anyone who's a sucker for happy endings and adorable (if not moody in the case of Mason) heroes.

Happy reading!! 📖

Nymph Review #4

Wild Things by Jennifer Ashley

Oh my gosh, so amazing. This is by far one of the best stories I've read this year. A sexy psychic and a wolf shifter seeking help with crystals and sage, house that "eat" evil ex-boyfriends, motorcycle rides, sex scenes filled with lust AND love. Mason and Jasmine were amazing together. Mason is a wolf shifter who makes guitars--already hot, right? Jasmine is a tattooed psychic with a house that ate her douche-bag ex-boyfriend. As soon as they meet--sparks! I just . . .this book was so perfect I don't think I could make it any better. I don't think I want to.

How I see Mason:

How I see Jasmine:

Their first time

Time for Another Nymph Review!

I just got done reading Flirting with Forever by Kendall Ryan. It was one of the better books I've read this year. Maybe not the best, (that place still belongs to Wild Things--a review of this book will be post today as well) but definitely up at the top.
I pick up Flirting with Forever at the spur of the moment while visiting my library. I saw it out of the corner of my eye on the "new" shelf. With that cover--I grabbed it up.
Well, without further ado--my review! (Also found on Goodreads)

This book was perfect for me. It was sweet and sexy, and had no cheating with a HEA ending. I loved Cam, there wasn't really anything not to like about Cam. He was a big, sexy cinnamon roll of a character. I mean he was protective and caring and always came about with donuts. Dream man? Yes, definitely. Natalie was sweet with just enough sexy spunk to not be a Mary Sue. I liked her and was happy when they finally hooked up and left all that slow burning behind. They were just so cute together. I need more!

Nothing explains this book better then: