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Hello, back again. I know it's been, er, a while. But I do have reasons, like life and relationships . . . and sparkly object. Now that I'm back, as you can see, my name has changed a bit. I am now The Naughty Nymph. This name change came about when I realized I'd like to talk about more then just books, though books will still reign supreme in my posts, I'm sure.
Speaking of books (shameless promotional segue here) I'm writing on WattPad now as Bookish Nymph. Yes, I'm typing away, trying to create my own world of smutty drama.
Ok, that's a bit over the top, but I've always loved writing, so I have to get my words out. 🤷😊
My profile has a couple of short stories and a few poems, but my main work--my baby--is a full-length m/m paranormal romance titled Synergy.
So if you could shoot over and give my stories a whirl it'll help out like you wouldn't believe! I'll drop a link down below for those interested in my scribbles.
Now that my shameless promo is over, I'll move on. 😝
I going to start a new spot on The Naughty Nymph called "Movie Night". This will be inspired by my standing movie night date with my long-term BF. I'm using the weekly flick to my blogging advantages and writing up a movie review for whatever film we pick.
I'm test-driving this idea, so it may not be a permanent fixture . . .we'll see.
No matter what night we watch the movie, I'll try to post Movie Night on a Monday.
Movie night for me usually consists of rom-coms, romances, fantasy, foreign films, and book-turned-into-film flicks. So you never know what you're gonna get!
I may also delve into my love of music and share some shit about that part of my life.
Well, I've shared all the new ideas I have so far. I will now indulge my classic blog idea--books!!
I have finished many books since I left you all (sorry, sorry, sorry) but I'll be picking up with what I'm reading now.
Slide by Garret Leigh
I have the Audible audiobook Slide going in my earbuds I'm half-ish way-ish through this dark m/m romance. I'm LOVING it! I'm a sucker for a m/m romance, and this one is edgy, broody, and sexy.Shy Ash is a moody, troubled tattoo artist shacking up with a sexy paramedic named Pete. I don't want to spoil too much, but I will tell you the Prologue is like 🔥🔥🔥 and don't get me started on the steamy sex scenes. One scene where Pete tops, I was like
If you want to read more about Slide, check out the Goodreads link below.
Full Bloom by Janet Evanovich
The second book I'm reading is a rom-com mystery from the famed Janet Evanovich. I haven't gotten too far into this one, but it is quirky right off the bat. So far, the main character, Annie, runs a B&B in South Carolina. A busty psychic tells Annie a man is coming into her life whom she will have steamy fuck times with . . . and side note: the B&B is haunted.
Annie then gets pissed off with a slacking handyman and chases him about the yard with a rolling pin.
Cue sexy Harley humping hot guy, (SPOILERS) who rides up and gets brained with said rolling pin. Then there's an elderly, absent-minded veterinarian who mistakenly gives brained hot guy, Wes, an animal tranquilizer--yes, all of this is happening in chapters one and two--and of course, for some convenient reason, Annie needs to put the passed out Wes in a tub, naked.
Beautiful Bastard by Christina Lauren
Last but certainly not least, is Christina Lauren's Beautiful Bastard. This book has been on my TBR ever since I found it at a library book sale for fuckin' fifty cents! I wasn't sure how I'd feel about this one, but so far I'm enjoying it and have even laughed. I was thinking it was going to be broody like 50 Shades, but it's actually funny. I'm having less of a problem with Bennett being a bastard because Chloe is kinda got a resting-bitch-face vibe, so I feel like they are angry twin flames that have mean hate-sex in crazy-ass places in their office building. And it's hilarious! 😂
One thing I do have to say to Bennett, if you want to see if a woman's into you, please don't go straight for the ass, bro!! Rude!
If you want to join in on the crazy, check out the Goodreads link.
Well that's all the rambling I have for now--until next time!
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